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Applied Improvisation: Improv in Life and Business

IMPRŏV-able Results
Think and Speak Under Pressure
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IMPRŏV-able Results - Our Services

Applied Improvisation: Improv in Life and Business

"Play touches and stimulates vitality,
awakening the whole person--
mind, body, intelligence and creativity."

- Viola Spolin (originator of "Theater Games") -

Improvisation training is not just for performers. The principles and techniques of improv are used to develop the concentration, communication and creative collaboration skills needed to succeed in business (and in life). Through simple, playful exercises and games – and regular practice - you learn to respond more naturally, confidently, and skillfully in any situation you encounter.

Applied Improvisation is designed to help you:

  • Learn and apply key improv concepts that will help you become more present, focused, confident, spontaneous, creative, decisive -- more successful in leadership roles, on teams, and in all of your day-to-day interactions.
  • Foster trust, imagination, creativity, innovative thinking and productive collaboration as you work with others.
  • Generate new content for scripts, presentations, writing.

No previous improv experience is necessary.

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