Welcome to IMPRŏV-able Results
What opportunities do you tend to avoid, or accept with dread, because you think you lack talent, skill, or time?
But maybe, secretly, you imagine yourself standing out as you:
Ready to stop imagining, step out of your comfort zone, and start doing?
What do you need to do today to improve your performance and results tomorrow?
"Do not wait; the time will never be "just right." Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along."
-Napolean Hill-
Why is all that important? Because it's good for business and your future! Unfortunately, most people are poorly prepared to communicate effectively at meetings, events, and client engagements--and they don't realize it!
Proper preparation and practice prevent poor performance. Practice alone does not make perfect--it makes permanent! So, be sure it's the right kind of practice--that's the key to effective communication. Feedback helps us see ourselves as others see us and helps us discover where we need improvement. The ability to communicate effectively is the key to success in business and in life.
Many people fear public speaking to varying degrees – or in certain circumstances. It can lead people to avoid such circumstances completely or to suffer through them. This roadblock can be overcome. Great public speaking and interpersonal communication skills can be learned. It’s not a matter of having or not having the talent.
What is public speaking, actually? It’s more than stepping onstage to deliver a TED talk after planning for months. It’s more than just winging it whenever you speak with people in social or professional circles.
It’s understanding various communication principles and techniques and being ready to apply them effectively – so you can connect, interact with, and build positive relationships with anyone, anywhere, any time.
It’s being able to talk so people want to listen to you; it’s being able to listen so people want to talk to you (and tell you what matters to them). It’s being able to go off script and improvise (improv) and empathize.
Whether you are experienced or new to public speaking, tiny tweaks in your content, delivery, attitude, or comfort level can lead to vast differences in your results.
IMPRŏV-able Results - Our Services
IMPRŏV-able Results Resources
... before an audience, on camera, and one-to-one.
It provides innovative, supportive, experiential learning labs that help people discover and bring out their best. Through group training and individual coaching, people enhance their abilities to build rapport and trust, speak with confidence and skill, and build stronger professional and personal relationships. Sessions / topics are customized for individual business professionals, associations, conferences, corporations, leaders, and staff.